Empowering women in India: A journey towards equality
Women Empowerment in India: A Journey to Equality India is a fascinating country that captivates with its rich culture, millennia-old history and exquisite cuisine. However, behind the beauty and charm of this country, hide the complex and challenging realities that women face in their search for equality and empowerment. Fortunately, there are organizations and projects that are doing amazing work. After several months of work, Tumaini has added a new women's empowerment project to her list.
The 7 apps that cannot be missing on your next trip
The 7 apps that cannot be missing on your next trip Are you preparing your next travel adventure? We know how exciting it is to start organizing a trip from scratch. At Tumaini we always help our travelers prepare a practical and sustainable backpack or suitcase to leave a positive mark on the destination they visit. For some time we had pending to share the applications that we use frequently when we travel. They are useful and have "saved" us on more than one occasion. Like it or not, technology is advancing rapidly.
Tumaini Travel 2023 Book your place!
Tumaini Travel 2023 Book your place! We are about to close one of the most important years for Tumaini. These months have helped us to recharge our batteries and rethink our work. Although it is not yet possible to return to the reality of 2019, we continue to support the projects with which we collaborate in countries in the South, thanks to people like you who trust in our NGO to make a solidarity trip and, if their time allows it, to volunteer. The illusion excites us every time a new person arrives.
Nuria's experience travelling in a group and discovering Kenya in a responsible way.
Nuria's experience travelling in a group and discovering Kenya in a responsible way. Fear of travelling alone, of not knowing how to get along in a country new to you, of messing up, of wanting to go back home because you feel you are out of your comfort zone. Who hasn't felt like that at some point? As they say, everything in life has a solution, so at Tumaini we decided to give solidarity group travel combined with responsible tourism a chance to get to know the country.
What are the differences between group travel + responsible tourism and Tumaini solidarity travel?
What are the differences between group travel + responsible tourism and Tumaini solidarity travel? This is one of the questions we have been asked the most since we started organising our first group trip, specifically to Cape Verde at Easter in 2021. Well, if you are interested in solving the big question, you have to keep reading to find out which of the two types of solidarity travel best suits your profile, needs and interests. Here we go! Let's start at the beginning... What is a solidarity trip? A journey
Solidarity Travel during covid
SOLIDARITY TRIPS DURING COVID PANDEMIA AND NGOs. THE REINVENTION OF TUMAINI FROM OUR SOLIDARITY TRIPS. A few days ago we were talking to Carmen García, the head of Asegurados Solidarios, about how this pandemic was affecting non-profit organisations. The first questions we asked ourselves were: can I travel during this pandemic, how can I travel with the Covid restrictions, can I travel without the Covid vaccine? Travelling in times of Covid-19, means looking at restrictions every day, testing all the time and more travel formalities: Will I lose the money I paid for my
Tourism Community Declares Climate Emergency
Responsable tourism. Join the Community Tourism Declare The 5 actions of Responsible Tourism In Tumaini we have joined Turismo Declara. This is an initiative that supports organizations, companies and professionals in the tourism sector to declare a climate emergency and take measures to reduce their carbon emissions. As indicated by the advice of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC for its acronym in English), global carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced to 55% in 2030 and tourism must assume its responsibility by taking action
"Travelling with Tumaini was a click" - Eva in Kenya
We share with you the learning of one of our volunteers, Eva Vilachá. He traveled to Kenya in 2018 and since then he has seen life with different eyes. She had the opportunity to learn on the ground, immerse herself in a new culture, connect with realities that sometimes escape us.
Coronavirus and travel liability
This is the kind of news we would never want to have to write. In view of the global emergency due to the coronavirus infection - covid 19 - and as our business is directly related to international air travel, we thought it would be useful to provide some basic information on what to do if you are planning to travel in the near future. These are general recommendations for any traveller as well as specific recommendations for Tumaini travellers. At Tumaini, we are closely following the evolution of the spread of the coronavirus internationally. We believe that the first thing to do is
How to do responsible tourism... from home?
This summer, surely you have tried to be a more respectful traveler with the environment, animals and cultures. You have seen tourists littering and you have been outraged. You have read about the subject and you have become aware. But, once at home, can you continue doing responsible tourism? At Tumaini we are clear: yes! We tell you 5 things you can do without leaving your city. 1 Share your experience and learning The days go by and soon you return to the routine, but do not miss the opportunity to share