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The Kenyan NGO will make improvements thanks to the collection obtained in 2017. It is time to take stock of the year and in Tumaini we cannot avoid letting a smile escape us. And it is that 2017 for us has been a year of changes, and most of them, positive. The number of travelers and travelers rises. Recently launched solidarity trips in Nepal, Mexico and Kenya have received dozens of volunteers. And also, more than 8,000 euros have been raised to improve some projects thanks, in part, to our collaboration. Definitely:

Almu and Mónica spreading the solidarity trips of Tumaini.Since Tumaini was born we had it clear: we wanted to promote a different way of traveling, give priority to sustainable consumption, boost the local and solidarity economy. And now on this path, we are no longer alone! We join the Madrid Social Market, a cooperative of entities that believe that another economy is possible. And you? Will you join us on this new path? What is the Social Market? It is a network of companies, organizations and consumers that put ethics, ecology and

“If I am going to volunteer, why do I have to pay?” Many people ask the same question when they consider taking a solidarity trip. We explain the main reasons in 4 key points. Debunk the false myths about international volunteering! 1. A solidarity trip is training Volunteering in a Southern Country requires training before and during the trip. Before, to understand the social or environmental problems of the country to be visited, to get closer to its culture and to get to know the project where

Full rooms, a lot of curiosity from those who have not left yet and excitement from those who, now back, remember their solidarity adventures. This is the atmosphere we live in at the Tumaini Meetings in Madrid and Barcelona. In them, we present the solidarity trips we are offering this year and volunteers who have already traveled with Tumaini shared their experiences. The result: dozens of people were infected with the traveling and supportive “virus”. Madrid: I have a question! The Madrid meeting was undoubtedly the most participatory. about 100 people

Have you always dreamed of taking a solidarity trip but don't know where to start? Come to the Tumaini Meetings in Madrid and Barcelona! In them, you will discover our destinations, we will explain how to collaborate with social projects in various countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and you will meet traveling people like you. If you want to travel in a different way and get to know other realities up close, now is the time! to solve all your doubts! At Tumaini we hold two meetings so that you can find out about the solidarity trips we offer. come and ask us

2017 is the year of sustainable tourism. We do not say it, but the United Nations. It is time to raise awareness about the power of the sector to contribute to sustainable development. Traveling can have positive or negative consequences on the places we visit. It all depends on us, the people who travel. But, before packing our bags, do we really know what it means to travel sustainably? Is it the same as responsible tourism? We propose a game: the 7 differences between these two concepts! How many will you hit? :)1. Politics or attitude?

This year, 200 volunteers have taken a trip that has changed their lives. We have visited Mexico and we have discovered new solidarity projects. In Kenya, we have improved the rooms of the orphanage with which we collaborate. For Tumaini 2016 has been a great year! Our travelers value their experience with an average 7.7. For us the year also deserves a notable

Making Christmas plans? At Tumaini we encourage you to start the festivities with a different activity: our second Solidarity Cane! It will take place on Saturday, December 17, starting at 8:00 p.m. at Bar La Lata in Cascorro. Christmas would not be the same if we did not start it with this very special moment in which we get together for a good cause, meet people with the same interests and meet up with friends. The entire collection of the Caña Solidaria will go to the organic farm with which

Before embarking on a trip, the most common keys to prevent problems and equip ourselves with regard to health are: 1.- Visit an international vaccination center so that they indicate the necessary vaccinations according to the destination to which we travel. 2.- Hire travel insurance (in the next post we will give you the keys to choose the one that best suits us) 2.- Prepare a good first-aid kit: have everything you need but do not take up much space in your backpack. In this post we share our essentials at the time

When we prepare a trip and it is time to pack, we always have the question of what to take. The most common mistake is to load the backpack too much and fall into the "I'll take this just in case". In order to escape from it and manage to make a 10 backpack with everything you need and without weighing it down too much, here we share our keys:1º You always have to take destination into account: as you know, at Tumaini we have projects in different regions, countries and continents, therefore, we recommend

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