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Covid-19 emergency in our projects!

Boys and girls, women, young people and animals protected from the projects with which we collaborate are at risk due to the coronavirus crisis. suffer lack of income, lack of food and access to basic resources such as electricity or health care. 


From Tumaini, along with the information received from the projects, we have assessed the most important needs.
Can you help us orphanages, juvenile centers and animal sanctuaries get over this crisis and don't disappear 
Thanks from my heart!

Can you support us with a one-off donation?

Support shelters for orphaned minors, neglected or from different situations of abuse.

In the Kenyan projects, reception centers for vulnerable minors, neglected or coming from different situations of abuse, the situation is also worrying. 

Centers have closed and some face layoffs, which can leave a large number of street minors and helplessness. In all the centers they are concerned about the health of the little ones, since many are HIV carriers and they do not have their defenses to 100% to face the coronavirus.

Government aid is not reaching many places and the situation of health services is very poor. The impact of the pandemic can be terrible in this context. 

with your help we can guarantee the purchase of basic hygiene and food products for boys and girls while the centers remain closed.

help that families receive food baskets to guarantee the nutrition of children at risk of exclusion.

Peru is expected to be one of the first countries in Latin America where the health situation worsens due to the coronavirus. The projects with which we collaborate, educational and recreational support for minors in vulnerable situations, they are closed. 

Before the crisis, many of these minors faced situations of lack of food, anemia and coexistence in environments of violence domestic. These situations are aggravated by confinement and the lack of family income, which in many cases comes from activities such as street vending. 

With your donation, you are helping families receive food baskets to guarantee the nutrition of the boys and girls that we normally attend to in the projects and the rest of the family members.

Collaborate so that rescued animals that cannot survive on their own receive the food they need.

In Bolivia, our most affected projects are the animal protection centers. These types of centers survive largely with the contributions and work of volunteers. As this crisis shows, the protection of nature and animals is a priority. 

The care and maintenance of animals becomes difficult due to the staff reduction produced by COVID 19, especially in these remote jungle areas. After a life of traffic and exploitation, pumas, jaguars, bears, monkeys and exotic birds can be left unattended and disappear.

Help with your donation so that the risk situation of these animals does not worsen and they remain without food or any kind of care vet.

* 95% of all donations will go to projects in full, the remaining 5% will go to Tumaini to cover minimum management expenses.
** The money raised will be distributed equally among the mentioned projects.

Do you support us every month? Become a partner!

if you prefer to make Tumaini partner, you will be giving us stability so that we can continue to improve the projects and send volunteers to make their local economies sustainable. With your monthly fee too we implement specific improvements in projects.

Some of our achievements with the funds raised since 2014 are:

  • Construction of a children's canteen and water well in Kenya
  • Creation of mobile library for Tibetan boys and girls
  • Launch of a new educational program in Peru

In addition, being a member of Tumaini has A lot of advantages, between them:

  • You receive regular information about the projects
  • You collaborate in the decisions in the annual meeting
  • You participate in the selection of the project to which we donate the annual collection 
* Donations at the moment cannot be deducted from your income statement. We are in the process of accepting Law 49/2002 so that you can deduct taxes on your donations. As soon as we get it, we'll let you know :). Thank you very much for your support.
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