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An ordinary day with the children of Peru

An ordinary day with the children of Peru

Silvia with one of the girls from the school – art workshop. 

What is an ordinary day like for a volunteer in Peru? Silvia Lavado collaborated for a month with both the children of Cusco as with those of lamay. It tells us in detail little everyday adventures who live in the project and confesses to us What did you like most about the experience?: “the little family that volunteers become”.

“This is how I lived an ordinary day in August 2017 at the school-art workshop. The center opens at 8:30 a.m. Little by little, we are receiving the boys and girls with a hug, a "good morning" and the best of our smiles. While we wait for everyone to arrive, I am preparing the class and placing the material that we are going to use.

It's today salt pasta workshop and I have everything prepared. I have bought flour and salt, I have prepared small containers with water, and I have covered the table with newspaper.

I am very amused that the little ones have the habit of wash your hands and apply lotion!

One of the girls in the artistic workshop. The goal is to develop creativity.

start the workshop

At 9 a.m. we play a collective game in a circle and then we distribute the boys and girls in the different workshops (tutoring, computing, gardening, music or art). Normally they are the ones who decide which workshop they want to be in.

The idea of today's workshop is that the little ones work the imagination and fine motor skills and that they experiment with another material and texture. We make the mix. They mold, laugh and discuss among themselves the shapes they will make when the dough dries. Meanwhile, I am explaining to them that we have to leave their work in the sun so that it can dry and the next day they can paint it.

It's recess time and to my surprise they don't want to go out, because they want to continue shaping and manipulating their salt paste. So almost all of us stayed in class 🙂

The boys and girls left farewell messages for Silvia the day she left.

The best gift

While they manipulated and molded, the little ones did not stop joking and They didn't seem to be paying much attention. to the steps to follow that I told them... But it was not like that! To my surprise, they had already taken some of the class chairs to a corner of the patio where the sun was shining to put their models to dry, just as I had explained to them. It was a very pleasant surprise, but it wasn't the only one… One of the girls made a heart and gave it to me as a gift!

Silvia together with the rest of the volunteers in one of the projects. 

A family of volunteers

I liked everything about this solidarity trip! Destiny, the small family that volunteers become and of course meet and share my time with the boys and girls of the school.

The only thing I have missed is more information from the students of the project. For example, if they go to another school, if they have a disorder or disability, their age, their family situation, etc. Still the experience has been very positive

Playtime! Foosball is one of his favorite games. 

Silvia Lavado collaborated during the month of August in the projects of Cusco and lamay

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