Carlos and his experience at the escuelita in Chiapas
At school We did activities with the children, we gave them elementary classes in writing, dictation, mathematics, etc., and we ended up playing a game all together. Around 2 or 2:30 p.m., we would go down with the children and leave each one at home. From that moment on we already had the afternoon free as well as the weekends that we took advantage of to get to know the city, go sightseeing, visit other towns, get to know the region, etc. All very pleasant.
The things that most I have liked this trip have been dealing with children and the city of San Cristóbal de las Casas. Your peace of mind and safety. The good relationship between all the volunteers has also been very important.
I remember with special affection that the children called me "old man", given my age. After many years I went to a demonstration again, this time in support of the teachers on strike. The implantation of the Zapatistas impressed me pleasantly and I did not expect it.
Carlos, Tumaini traveler in little school in Chiapas (Mexico), August 2016