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1st Tumaini Solidarity Cane

1st Tumaini Solidarity Cane

We are celebrating our first Caña Solidaria. It will be the next Saturday 12 December at Liber Arte (Lavapiés neighbourhood) Join us for a different evening with Tumaini!

It's a great time to get to know the team better Tumaini and people who have already travelled with us.

We will do this in Liber Artea bar in the Lavapiés neighbourhood where many social and solidarity activities take place, so there is no better place to spend an afternoon full of anecdotes and adventures.

Part of what is consumed will go to the Orphanage and school we work with in Kenya. This will support the crowdfunding campaign we started a few weeks ago. With it we will be able to finish the water well that was started a few months ago and also to improve the children's toilets in the centre. You can learn more about this campaign at this link:

For every drink, 50 cents will go to this project. There will also be a basket full of Fairtrade products that we will raffle among the people who come. It's a great start to a more caring Christmas.

It will be a party open to everyone so you can come along with your friends and have a fun afternoon.

We'll start at around 19:30 until the body can take it 🙂

We remind you that it will be at Liberarte, Calle Ave María nº32 (Metro Lavapiés or Antón Martín).

Share with your friends so we can all get together! You can do it through the event that we have created on our facebook page: You can also sign up and encourage more people.

We are waiting for you!
Post by Almu,Tumaini Communication

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