1st Tumaini Solidarity Cane
We celebrate our first Solidarity Cane. It will be next Saturday, December 12 at Liber Arte (Lavapiés neighborhood). Join a different afternoon with Tumaini! It is a great time to learn more about the Tumaini team and people who have already traveled with us. We will do it at Liber Arte, a bar from the Lavapiés neighborhood, where many social and solidarity activities are carried out, so there is no better place to spend an afternoon full of anecdotes and adventures. Part of what is consumed will go to the Orphanage and
Bea: "I'll repeat as soon as I can".
"My stay in volunteering has been one month, a month that has gone by very quickly, it has been very intense and rewarding! I had never done any volunteering of this type before and so far away.
Jou's experience in India: "I felt like one of the family"
"My experience has been very enriching in being able to become aware of the reality of the Tibetan people in exile, honest, calm and peaceful people who are forced to leave their country to get out of oppression. Jou and África, another Tumaini traveler, with Yeshi, founder of the projectIn the project my functions were to collaborate with the construction of the library, collaborate with the design of the cafe and help to spread the activities of the center (yoga, tours around the city, Tibetan folk show, etc)There are two things that have