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Mariana's experience in Cusco: "I have loved meeting so many people, even though they are different, something unites us"

Mariana's experience in Cusco: "I have loved meeting so many people, even though they are different, something unites us"

«My work in the village began in the morning, I I woke up early and went to school. In the morning shift we had around 15 children, we were 4 volunteers.

In one of the workshops with several girls from the center

First we helped with homework or opened art workshops or board games. Then we had a rest time and later a circle in which we talked about different topics.
Some of the activities we did in the morning were making piñatas, painting, coloring on the floor, English classes...

In the afternoons there were more workshops, since there were more volunteers and more children. Some of the workshops were art, computers, homework, games and English.

Holding workshops in the center of Cusco

After recess we all attended a circle led by Yuri, in which each day we dealt with a different topic, that was one of my favorite parts of the day.

At the end of the circle we met in families, which were made up of children of the same age and volunteers.

Within the families we prepared a show related to the theme that had been assigned to us to present it on Friday. 

One of the things that I liked the most was meeting the children outside of school, I loved how they greeted me and hugged me so happily. It always made my day.

Another thing I liked was the culture exchange among the volunteers. One of the most beautiful moments was when a Canadian volunteer who did not speak any Spanish taught Wendy to subtract. youI also loved it meet so many peopleAlthough we are all from such different places, something unites us.»
In Machu Picchu

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