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Joana's experience in Thailand: "Seeing the behavior of the elephants in different situations and being able to interact with them has been unforgettable"

Joana's experience in Thailand: "Seeing the behavior of the elephants in different situations and being able to interact with them has been unforgettable"

My experience in Surin's project It has been totally positive, and has met all my expectations. The project takes place in the village of Ban Tha Klang, in the Surin area of Thailand, which is known as the "elephant village" because the inhabitants own around 150 captive elephants.

Joana with one of the mahouts, an elephant keeper

The main tourist attraction is a show in which the elephants do different performances such as playing soccer... They also offer elephant rides.

To tame and manage the elephants, the "mahouts" use a pick that sticks in the forehead or other parts of their elephant, chains on the legs, and other aggressive practices for the physical and mental health of the elephants.

The main objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of captive elephants in the area. To do this, they work with 14 elephants and their respective mahouts, who have decided to enter the project of their own free will.

At the moment and for economic reasons it is the maximum capacity of the project. The mahouts have promised that their elephants will not participate in the show or in the tourist walks, not to use the beak with their elephants, to tie them only by one leg (usually they are tied with 2 legs), to ensure that they have a good diet and cleanliness , and take them for a walk and leave them free for a minimum of hours a day. In return, the mahouts receive a monthly salary from the project, largely financed by contributions from volunteers.

The most awaited moment for elephants, the bathing 🙂

The daily work of the volunteers consists of accompanying and helping the mahouts in the maintenance of the elephants, which includes cleaning the areas where the animals are, cutting sugar cane to feed them, accompanying them on walks and helping them bathe them. Other specific maintenance jobs, community education, etc. can also be done.

What I liked the most without a doubt is working with the elephants. They are amazing animals and I have learned so much about them. Seeing their behavior in different situations and being able to interact with them at times has been an unforgettable experience. 
Sharing the stay with the local people, the mahouts, their families and other neighbors, I also liked it a lot because i have learned about thai traditional culture and gw communityYo. 

Joana, volunteer in March 2015, in the elephant project in Thailand


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