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International internships at the university

International internships at the university

Post by Monica Herrerasproject coordinator
This year we started to collaborate with the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid so that students from different degrees can do their internships in several of our projects. You can also do it from your university. If you want to participate in any of OUR PROJECTS we will help you with everything you need.

Why do internships in our projects?

You can do internships related to education
Some years ago, many Spanish universities decided to take on the role of social agents of change by promoting solidarity, justice, equality, respect and responsibility among their students. 
At Tumaini we fully share this vision.
We believe that it enhances both the personal and professional growth of a trainee. It is both formal and non-formal learning and is valuable for all qualifications.

Differences between internships and solidarity travel

Many students ask us how they can do an internship in a foreign country or do a volunteering trip during their holiday period.
Internships can be carried out in different countries
What are the main differences?

- Doing an internship for your degree in any country in the South requires finding a project that suits you qualification whereas volunteering can, in principle, also be done in any other area.

- Volunteering is not always reflected in the curriculum (hopefully one day this will change, but currently in Spain it is not given the importance it should be). International internships will be reflected in your degree. as they have to be approved by the university beforehand.                                                            

How can I find out more?

Undertakes an internship related to the environment or wildlife
To do an internship in a Southern country, the bureaucratic procedures are more complicated as it is necessary to sign an agreement with the university. At Tumaini we take care of managing all the necessary documentation with the university and assigning a tutor in the destination country.
Where can you get information? Through the External Internships office at your university, at the Cooperation or Solidarity Action offices that exist in the vast majority of universities or here, at Tumaini 🙂

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